Yeah, thanks for the hint. We only have central and osgeo (for the dependencies 
that aren't on central), and we poll osgeo second 🙂.


Von: Jody Garnett <>
Gesendet: Montag, 11. September 2023 16:47
An: Brogli, Alexander <>
Cc: <>; <>
Betreff: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] contains empty files

[EXTERNE E-MAIL] Klicke nicht auf Links und öffne keine angehängten Dateien, 
wenn du die Absenderin oder den Absender nicht kennst.

I was only asking as if you have a mirror it would of been filled up with junk 
and need to have its cache of jars cleaned up.

When building directlt it is best to have the fewest number of maven 
repositories listed (as each one is checked in turn).

I am not sure why maven pom.xml does not allow an include/exclude filter on 


On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 2:08 AM Brogli, Alexander 
<<>> wrote:

We do build it directly and dont mirror it (so far, maybe we should, at least 
to reduce some traffic for osgeo). So for us the fix indeed worked.

Thanks & Regards

Von: Jody Garnett <<>>
Gesendet: Freitag, 8. September 2023 00:59
An: Brogli, Alexander <<>>

Betreff: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss]<> contains 
empty files

[EXTERNE E-MAIL] Klicke nicht auf Links und öffne keine angehängten Dateien, 
wenn du die Absenderin oder den Absender nicht kennst.


Are you building against repo osgeo "release" directly in your maven build?
If so you should indeed be fixed 🙂

Or have you setup a mirror or nexus repository of your own that caches repo 
osgeo "releases"?
In this case you may need to clear your cache (to get rid of any zero sized 

I am curious how many folks are running downstream caches or mirrors and may be 
affected ...
Jody Garnett

On Sep 7, 2023 at 12:42:09 PM, "Brogli, Alexander" 
<<>> wrote:

Thanks for creating the ticket. I haven't created one, since I don't have a 
osgeo ID and am still waiting for a reply to my mantra request. I've checked, 
it seems we can regularly pull from<> 
again, so I can confirm the problem seems to be resolved for us, thanks a lot!

Regards, Alex

Von: Jody Garnett <<>>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. September 2023 21:04
Cc: Brogli, Alexander 
Betreff: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss]<> contains 
empty files

[EXTERNE E-MAIL] Klicke nicht auf Links und öffne keine angehängten Dateien, 
wenn du die Absenderin oder den Absender nicht kennst.

I have gone ahead and created a ticket there:

I did not see you report the ticket yet, and it is capturing feedback on 
multiple channels.

I have found the problem with geonetwork-cache being setup to cache files 
stored in a GitHub repository by geonetwork 2.x series.
GitHub must of turned off access in this manner yesterday, resulting in a lot 
of time-outs and zero sized files being saved.

The geonetwork-cache has been removed from release configuration; and I hope 
normal service has been restored? Please CONFIRM 🙂


  *   There is a risk that other repositories have saved these zero sized files 
and will need to clear their cache of OSGeo, and lazily rebuild it again.
  *   Normal maven builds do not have any way to select what jar to retrieve 
from different repositories. Indeed they attempt to contact each repository in 
turn, checking for every jar.
So it is expect that<> releases would 
field requests for all manner of content as we have seen. This is one case 
where gradle offers better control ...
  *   I will reach out to the core-geonetwork project and determine how their 
build can be restored also.

Jody Garnett
Jody Garnett

On Sep 7, 2023 at 7:39:38 AM, Frank Gasdorf 
<<>> wrote:
Hi folks,

I recently stumble about this problem to and my investigation is as follows:

* you a company uses a repository manager and has osger repo as a proxy repo 
configured AND
* and internal artefact has been request but is not avaliable in internal 
repositories, that a http get is set to osgeo repo as well
* this leads to enties like that with size 0 for each artefact

IMHO it seems to be an issue in nexus configuration and I investigate how to 
configure filter for proxe repositories in Nexus.

Once you have a trac issue id, let us know

Am Do., 7. Sept. 2023 um 15:22 Uhr schrieb Jody Garnett via Discuss 
This should be reported to the trac issues tracker, for the system admin 

I help manage the repo a bit, I wonder where the size zero files come from? We 
may be able to check if they were uploaded or fetched from a cache of an 
external repo.

On Thu, Sep 7, 2023 at 5:54 AM Brogli, Alexander via Discuss 
<<>> wrote:
Hi all

We're thankful consumers of osgeo's maven repository, though this morning we 
noticed that empty files are pulled. Inspecting certain cases, we saw that 
since this morning files with size 0 seem to be in the repo, e.g. the files 

Do you know if there's a better place / mailing list to post this inquiry, or 
if the responsible persons are aware of the issue?

Thanks & regards

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