Dear colleagues,

These articles might be of interest.

“British government quietly sacks entire board of independent AI advisers”

Details at

The British Computer Society (BCS), The Chartered Institute for IT Article on 
“PM should make ethics a priority at AI Safety Summit, say tech professionals”

“The UK AI Summit: Time to Elevate Democratic Values” by Merve Hickok and Marc 
Rotenberg (The Center for AI and Digital Policy, USA)  published  for the 
Council on Foreign Relations

“Ahead of the Global Summit on Artificial Intelligence Safety from November 1 
to 2, the United Kingdom needs to bring its AI policy back in line with the 
values of freedom, democracy, and rule of law.”

Details at

Best wishes


Dr Suchith Anand

Senior Adviser to Governments and International Organisations | Scientist | AI 
Ethics | AI Governance | Policy | Consultant in Data and AI Ethics | Global 
Citizen | SDG Volunteer and Advocate<>

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