As part of a mailing list modernization effort the SysAdmin group has
been recently evaluating improvements aimed at reducing email loss due
to anti-spam measures and has come up with recommendation that are
summarized here:

In particular the last item was added to avoid tampering content and
thus breaking cryptographic signatures made by authors on their
emails, which is discussed in depth here:

Some mailing lists have already implemented these changes (postgis-devel and sac
for sure, I'm not sure which others). This thread is to ask if anyone
has objections about changing the configuration of this list too.

Notable changes will be:

  1. No more [OSGeo-Discuss] prefix in email subjects
  2. No more added footer
  3. Real sender address in the From field
  4. DKIM signed emails will not be considered maliciously tampered \o/

For filtering the emails or finding mailing list address to change
user preferences you will be able to use the email headers.

Many mail user agents should be able to figure this out by themselves,
others might need manual configuration.

Just as an example, my mail configuration for the PostGIS Developers
looks like this (procmail recipe):

  * ^List-ID:.*
  * !^X-List-Administrivia: yes

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