We've changed the configuration of this mailing list to respect the
recomendations from the SysAdmin team:


Notable changes are:

  1. No more [OSGeo-Discuss] prefix in email subjects
  2. No more added footer
  3. Real sender address in the From field
  4. DKIM signed emails will not be considered maliciously tampered \o/

For filtering the emails or finding mailing list address to change
user preferences you will be able to use the email headers.

Many mail user agents should be able to figure this out by themselves,
others might need manual configuration.

Just as an example, my mail configuration for the PostGIS Developers
looks like this (procmail recipe):

  * ^List-ID:.*postgis-devel.lists.osgeo.org
  * !^X-List-Administrivia: yes

Happy mailing !


  Libre GIS consultant/developer

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