On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 19:16:49 -0800, Pbox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The point I was going to make, excatly.
> However there is one more thing to note. Linspire also releases their
> code under GPL. So it is a give and take.
> Slimserver guys should take a note of the lsongs application.
> http://mp3beamer.com/ss_lsongs-syncing.html
> This would make a pretty nice itunes replacement, and could be easily
> bundled with slimserver. Even if the porting needs to get done onto
> Windows and OSX we are still talking about getting a gigantic bunch of
> work for free.

What does it use for its audio backend?
This sounds crazy - but other than mplayer (only for ripping DVD
audio, which I probably could do with gstreamer if I was willing to
play with the pipes) I personally (note the personally) refuse to use
any multimedia app for playing that does not use a gstreamer backend.
OK, sox is another exception.

The reason is because I think in many ways, LotD (my passion) is too
fragmented - there's mplayer, xine, gstreamer, and apps that use their
own. I think gstreamer is technically the best, and if focus is put
there - we can get better apps.

slimserver is different, I don't expect them to use gstreamer because
perl bindings don't exist yet (and python bindings are still fairly
new), and slimserver is expected to run on a host of operating systems
- some of which either do not have gstreamer or have it but use a
different multimedia backend.

I guess what I'm saying - I would rather see an app like Rhythmbox and
AmoroK get that functionallity than see a new app - yet another
jukebox player ... if it uses gstreamer, then I'm all for it.

GStreamer is nice because you add a plugin (which can be closed, it's
libraries are lgpl) and lots of apps now have support for the new
codec - that's the way it should be. But I guess I'm going off topic a
wee bit.

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