So is MP3 Beamer slimserver? ie will it work with my slimp3?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Marc Sherman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Slim Devices Discussion" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [slim] More comments on MP3beamer

Phil Karn wrote:

While the GPL may not explicitly *require* any acknowledgement beyond the copyright statement, nothing says that you can't ask for a more elaborate, voluntary credit in the back of a user manual as a simple matter of professional courtesy and good will.

Yes, and you could ask for a pony, too. :)

I think that would be especially appropriate if one particular GPL
package were to make up the bulk of the derivative work, as appears
to be the case with Slimserver and MP3Beamer. If I were a contributor
to such a package, I know I'd be more inclined to provide a little
free technical assistance to someone willing to go beyond the letter
of the agreement.

I don't think anyone's asking you for free technical support. In fact, from what I've seen of MP3Beamer, Linspire is going well above and beyond the call of duty to avoid sending their customers here for free technical support, by rebranding the product. That's good open source citizenship, if you ask me.

Look, Slim Devices is a corporation. Presumably they've got corporate council, who advised them on the legal implications of the GPL. You really should give them the benefit of the doubt, and assume that they knew what they were doing when they released Slimserver under the GPL.

- Marc
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