Daryle A. Tilroe wrote:

Since I am just now trying the latest nightly of 6.0b1 - r2461 (XPproSP1
running as a service) I can corroborate much of what Richard wrote:

1) FLAC. I have been running 5.4 since it was releases with never a skip

> on FLAC files. Every FLAC file I play on 6.0 B1-1 results in playback
> skips. Any suggestions for improving throughput? I am using a wired

Same here.  I had the odd (once a day/week) dropout before but it is
unusable now.  It happens several times per song and when watching
the buffer it is obvious the server is having an incredible problem
keeping it full.  And yes the server is all quiescent with rescanning

Got good news on this although not from the latest nightly. This is a bit of a story but here goes:

Many months ago I upgraded my trusty BEFSR41v2 router to
the newer eight port version; BEFSR81v3.  Now in order
to save a few cents Linksys stopped putting speed and
duplex leds on their v3 routers when they updated the
rest of the hardware.  The reason this becomes pertinent
is that in all my IT career I have never trusted auto
duplex negotiation since there is no standard.  I always
fix it on both ends with the settings.

Now some of you may know that duplex mismatch problems
can be very odd, intermittent, and difficult to diagnose.
With the old 41v2 I fixed my PC to 100full and made certain
the lights matched and all was good.

Fast forward to the 81v3 upgrade.  I upgraded the router
at about the same time I upgraded to the latest slimserver
and SB1G.  At this point I noticed some FLAC dropouts.
Being no fool, I suspected duplex since with the new
router I could not confirm what mode the switch was in
(the idiots didn't even put speed/duplex status on their
web interface status page).  However since the dropouts
were so rare I could never definitively say what the
problem was: new slimserver or router.  Anyhow, I actually
ended up leaving the PC on the 'bad' setting of 100/full
fixed rather than auto.  I say 'bad' but with 5.4 it
was still good enough that most sessions had no dropouts
and it could be weeks in-between.

Fast forward again to 6.0b and the dropouts appear with
a vengeance.  Since the *possible* duplex problem had an almost
insignificant effect before I did not immediately suspect it
yesterday; particularly since others had noted severe dropouts.
However tonight after downloading the latest nightly which
was supposed to have pertinent improvements I was still
plagued by dropouts.  I then realized that there may have
been some change that made 6.0b much more susceptible
to duplex issues.  Sure enough I go back to Auto and the
dropouts basically disappear.

Morals to the story:

-Newer Linksys hardware/firmware is not good at duplex
 sensing, or more accurately it assumes auto and gives
 you no indication what it is actually set to if you
 fix the other end.

-Slimserver 6.0b is much more sensitive to duplex issues and
 likely packet loss; not sure if this is a good or bad thing.

So I hope this is solved for me.  I'll do some more listening
and watch for dropouts.

Daryle A. Tilroe
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