On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 11:42:40 +0100, Christian Pernegger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> But there's one thing I just noticed: STREAMING. I

Yes - if SlimServer could stream in ogg, there's a good chance it
would make it into distros like Fedora etc. Streaming in flac/PCM is
OK but not a lot of people keep lossless around. Streaming in mp3 has
the patent issue. Streaming ogg vorbis on the other hand would be
extremely beneficial. The license for mDNSResponderPosix (Apple) would
need to be looked at.

Yes - that's SlimServer and not firmware, but if ogg is in firmware, a
side effect is that the Server would need to stream ogg - which would
open up the product for potential inclusion in the mainstream

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