I have submitted an enhancement request (BUG 1061).  I also agree with the other
poster that it is a waste of resources.  SLIMDEVICES is hoping that the extra
buffer and the bandwidth compression of FLAC will be a reasonable stopgap
measure. It definitely will be an improvement over WAV and SB1, but no way is
it as good as the actual ogg support in firmware.

Quoting Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>> So by streaming oggs as lossless, you use more resources and
>> do not gain anything.
>> If all your network/computer do is squeezebox - BFD.
>> But Linux users tend to have a lot more going on, and also
>> often tend to use older computers as headless boxes for
>> things like slimserver - where the cpu load will make a
>> difference (especially if same box is being used for DNS and
>> mail and ... as well)
> You should file this as a bug/enhancement request and then you can petition
> all of your friends to vote on it to see if it can be implemented.
> However, as many have told you, the CPU requirements of transcoding are
> minimal and transcoding to a lossless format for delivery is an excellent
> solution for [b]most[/b] users.
> Those who might panic over a small additional overhead on the cpu when
> playing music (remember that a cheap 1ghz Celeron box can easily support 6-8
> players even WITH transcoding) or a small additional load on the network and
> who refuse to transcode their music might best look elsewhere for a music
> solution.  It took Slim a very long time to add native FLAC support to SB
> (and actually had to come out with SB2 to do it) so I wouldn't hold my
> breath on the addition of another native codec.
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