Platform: Mac OS X 10.3.8, dual-2.0GHz G5

I have this problem which I first noticed after I installed SlimServer
6.0b1, but that may well be just a coincidence.  Once the server
started, it kept using cycles corresponding to about 100% of one CPU
(except at the beginning, when apparently throttled by disk-read
bandwidth).  I tried various restartings, cache-clearings,
prefs-clearings and installations of other versions (including the
production 5.4.1 and the 18 March 5.4.1 nightly build).  Same behavior.
I turned on d_server and d_itunes, and watched the log some; it just
seemed to be scanning infinite iTunes music files.  I picked a
particular file, and grepped for its "normalized" line in the log; it
was recurring at intervals.

Am I correct in assuming that any given track file should only be
scanned once?

I did a find through the tree holding the actual music files, looking
for symlinks, in case there was some sort of weird symlink-induced
circularity;  no symlinks.

I checked the filesystem with Disk Utility, assuming that an fsck should
find any circular hard-linking;  no warnings.

I don't know how to validate the iTunes xml file.

I just restarted the SlimServer without iTunes active, and it didn't
gobble CPU.  I started iTunes, played something, and exited (so
presumably iTunes rewrote its library file); the SlimServer started
chugging away full-tilt (process 'perl' using 98% CPU) and shows no sign
of stopping unless I bonk it over the head.

Any idea what I should be looking for?  Some sort of timestamp anomaly?
(The system time is NTP-synched).  A malformed iTunes lib xml file?  Any


    Jeff Moore
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