I am really grateful that someone has put all this information down in one place.  It gave me confidence, at last, to go ahead and try installing the slimserver on my linkstation.
Everything seemed to be going just fine, but I ran into a problem right at the last step (under "testing and finishing") .
I typed in:  mnt/slimserver# ./ --daemon --prefsfile /mnt/slim-data/slimserver.pref --cachedir /mnt/slim-data, as you suggested,
but the following response came up:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/share# cd /mnt/slimserver

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/slimserver# ./ --daemon --prefsfile /mnt/slim

-data/slimserver.pref --cachedir /mnt/slim-data

The following modules failed to load: DBD::SQLite XML::Parser HTML::Parser Compr



To download and compile them, please run: /mnt/slimserver/Bin/build-perl-modules



[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/slimserver# ps -A

  PID TTY          TIME CMD

    1 ?        00:00:04 init

    2 ?        00:00:00 keventd

    3 ?        00:00:02 ksoftirqd_CPU0

    4 ?        00:00:55 kswapd


[many lines deleted]


1391 ?        00:00:09 atalkd

 1486 ?        00:00:00 papd

 1488 ?        00:00:00 afpd

 1490 ?        00:00:10 smbd

 1527 ?        00:00:00 ppc_uartd

 1590 ?        00:00:00 in.telnetd

 1591 pts/0    00:00:00 bash

 1605 pts/0    00:00:00 ps

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/slimserver# /mnt/slimserver/Bin/

Welcome to the Slim Devices perl module installer.


These packages are needed for SlimServer 6 to function.

You will need a C compiler (gcc), make, and perl installed.


*** Ignore any warnings about AppConfig. ***


Please enter a perl binary to use (defaults to /usr/bin/perl)

This must be the same perl binary that you ran this program with -->




As you can see, I tried running "mnt/slimserver# /mnt/slimserver/Bin/" as suggested by the program.


I tried typing in "" when it asked for the perl binary, but this didn't work.    I don't think I have a C compiler on my computer, and I don't know that the modules  DBD::SQLite XML::Parser HTML::Parser Compress::Zlib are. 


Any suggestions?


Rod Tucker


BTW, when I copied perl and the slimserver to the relevant directories, both files had a .tar.tar suffix rather than the .tar.gz suffix as listed in your notes.  However "tar xzvf filename.tar.tar" (rather than "tar xzvf filename.tar.gz") seemed to work OK. 

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