Chris Laplante wrote:


What would be involved in making the buttons for a given skin (slim or
excession) larger? I would like to make them about 100-200% larger for
improved use on a touchscreen. They are almost big enough now, but I
would like to make them fat-finger friendly.



You can edit the existing softsqueeze skins without too much difficulty. In brief:

1) The java .jar file format is the same as a zip file, so rename SoftSqueeze.jar to and unzip the file.
2) You will find a 'skin' folder in the zip file. This contains all the png images and xml definition files for the skins. You can then use an image editor to alter the images, and a text editor to edit the xml files. The xml is used to bind a button to an action, and to adjust where the button appears in the window. I think it should be reasonably easy to follow.
3) In the META-INF folder delete the SOFTSQUE.RSA and SOFTSQUE.SF files. These files are digital signatures to make sure the .jar file is not tampered with. As you are tampering with the jar file you need to delete them otherwise Java won't start Softsqueeze. Keep the MANIFEST.MF file.
4) Zip the files backup, and rename to SoftSqueeze.jar. A useful check is to unzip the jar file again to make sure the paths are correct.
5) Send me the modified skin to include with Softsqueeze :)

Feel free to ask more questions if needed.


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