Quoting Michel Fombellida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi kdf,
> thanks, if the database rescans all its sources on regular basis (with 6.0)
> including iTunes (if it is used), is the reload of iTunes still needed?

it cleans up stale data, looks for new files on browse, but if you change your
itunes data from the itunes application, you will still want the reload to be
happening.  However, if you are not impatient, you can always set the reload
interval to a long duration.

> Will you also get rid of the rescan plugin if it is not needed anymore.
> Having
> parameters that are not really needed anymore may be a bit confusing.

that's not really up to me.  I've never actually felt there was a need for it. 
Some users liek it have it, even if it may be just as a security blanket :)

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