I have been having trouble with both Slimserver 5.4.1 and the 6.0b3 versions on my laptop.  On the desktop server the install went fine under XP, but on the laptop running Windows 2000 it hangs at the start up splash.  I have invoked it with the default skin to see if that was the issue, with no effect.  I also eliminated all the music files in the music directory to verify that there was not a problem with one of the files.   I have been having some problems with running java applets so I re-installed the java 5.02 runtime.  
I just tried upgrading to Windows XP - something I have been wanting to do, but unfortunately I am still having the same thing.  Does anybody have suggestions as to the next steps in debugging this?  I have check the application event log and no records are being written there by Slimserver.  How do you start slimserver with debug logging enabled?
Any help will be appreciated.

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