On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 20:46:58 -0600, Avi Schwartz wrote:
> For a while now, including the 3/26 build of 6.0, skins that highlight
> the current playing track (for example Bagpuss and NBMU) don't move the
> highlight when moving to the next track.

I have certainly noticed this, too, and I've done a little testing to
see when it does and doesn't update.  I use Fishbone, normally, which
also highlights tracks, but it's the same for the skins you mentioned.

If playing an album or playlist or whatever, and one song ends and the
next starts playing, the current track highlight does not change, even
if I manually reload the browser (it does this in Internet Explorer
and Firefox).  Even if I wipe my cache, kill the HTML cache on the
server or whatever, it never highlights any track but the first.

Ways I can make it highlight the correct track:

1. Use the Next or Previous Track buttons on the skin to skip to the
next track.  The display will update right away to correctly show the
currently playing track.

2. Change skins.  When I change from one skin to another, it
automatically updates the highlighting.

3. Change the URL from defining the skin to using the skin selected in
System Settings.  By this I mean say I normally have Fishbone as my
skin.  If I change the URL in my browser from http://servername:9000
to http://servername:9000/Fishbone/ it will also update the
highlighted track.

This is svn revision 2777, running on Ubuntu Linux.  I'm using IE and
Firefox on Windows.

Hope this is helpful.

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