2005-03-26-19:43:13 Doug Wise:
> What would make the squeezebox even more cool is to integrate a decent 
> amplifier into the box. 
> That way, you would only need a network connection and speakers to have a 
> stereo system.

I completely disagree.  I want the Squeezebox to provide me with a
useful, usable interface to deliver a S/PDIF stream of my music to
remote corners of the house.  I strongly prefer to choose the D/A,
amplifier and speaker solutions which please my ear.  I have no
intrinsic objection to the analog line outs now provided, as long as the
digital outs are also there, since they make the device more universally
useful without greatly changing the device's power budget.

I like to see attention paid to reliability of the stream (apparently a
priority in the SB2) and low jitter (I don't know if the SB2 will be
different in this way).  In terms of physical repackaging, the only
change I'd be particularly interested in seeing is a fairly gigantic
display -- I find I have to squint to make out what's going on with my
SB1 way across the bedroom.
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