Vidur Apparao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I don't believe the runtime transcoding of CUEed FLAC should introduce 
> gaps. The SB2 generally starts decoding a track well before the previous 
> one has finished playing (this allows us to do, among other things, 
> audio transitions including crossfading). Since we use the --skip and 
> --until parameters to the server-based flac tool, we don't introduce any 
> silence because of intra-frame padding. Please tell me if you are 
> hearing gaps.

Iâm definitely NOT hearing any gaps with the SqueezeBox2 with flaced 
music.  The places where I noticed annoying gaps with my SB1 donât produce 
sort of audible gap with the SB2.  The SB2âs bigger buffer and the client 
flac decoding seems to make all the difference.   Nice going!

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