To diagnose this problem, it would be great to get debug output with the --d_info and --d_scan debug flags on when you do a rescan.

To get this output, shut down SlimServer, launch a Terminal window, cd to the SlimServer directory (/Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/Contents/server for most people, the same path with a ~ prepended to it for others), and type:

./ --d_info --d_scan

Choose Rescan under the Server Settings of the web interface after doing this and send the terminal output (you can cut&paste or redirect to a file) to me at vidur | at |


bmccarthy wrote:

I am using the original Squeezebox and I have just recently found that
it is only seeing about half of the songs in my iTunes library.

I am on Mac OSX 10.3.8 connecting over a mixed G/B wireless network.
One non-standard feature of my set up is that I have my tunes all
stored on an external drive.

It played all the songs in my library for the last couple of years, but
now no luck. The song count is half what it should be and several of the
playlists show empty. Also, many songs I attempt to play from the
Squeezebox (as opposed to the Web interface) don't play but display
STOPPED on the display.

A couple of things have changed recently that could be behind it.
First, I upgraded the Slim Server software recently to version 6.0.1
because the Squeezebox was having frequent trouble connecting to Slim
Server (even though it found the network fine).

Also, I recently updated to iLife '05, which upgraded iTunes to version
4.7.1 (30). Not sure which event triggered the problem.

I followed the suggestions in the FAQ about changing the path for the
iTunes library and changing it back with no luck. I also changed the
preferences so the Slim Server starts when I log in to get around the
problem of the external drive not being mounted right away.

I also tried their suggestions about changing the Keep Music Folder
Organized settings. I've done all this twice but with no results.

Any suggestions?

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