Aaron Zinck Wrote: 
> >  I do have an
> older version that's an unlimited, uncrippled (legal) shareware version
> from
> about a year and a half ago if you'd like me to send that to you. 
> Girder
> has a timer plugin that I use to instantiate a girder macro once every
> 3
> hours.  The macro checks to see if rhapsody is running and if it is it
> maximizes the app and clicks the "album info" button under the album
> art.
> This proves to be sufficient interaction to keep rhapsody from timing
> out.
> I can also send you my girder file when I get home (I'm still at work),
> if
> you'd like.

Yes, can you please send the uncrippled version and macro file?  I'll
start working on it as soon as I get it.  Very cool!

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