icestorm Wrote: 
> All,
> I've just received the squeezebox2. Great little device! I've bought a
> sonic T-amp amplifier for it and it sounds great!
> However...When I try to play AAC music from my FreeBSD server, (which
> is most of my music collection), I can hear a sound like a constant
> wind in the background, which becomes intolerable when I  increase the
> volume. Please note that I can hear the song fine! This problem does
> not happen with mp3 encoded music or radio.
> I am currently using SlimServer 6.0.1 and the following convert.conf
> entry:
> mov flc * *
> [faad] -w -f 2 $FILE$ | [flac] -cs --totally-silent
> --compression-level
> -0 --endian big --sign signed --channels 2 --bps 16 --sample-rate 44100
> -
> It happens also in various other config such as faad+endianess swapper
> tool found on the web in both wav and pcm format.
> faad version 2.0_5,1 according to FreeBSD pkg_info tool.
> Anybody with a similar experience?

ping? Anyone?

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