Just installed SlimServer on my laptop.

All works absolutely fine on here.

So this proves 3 things:

1 - It is not a player (hardware) issue.

2 - It is not a network issue.

3 - I do know what I am doing.

So back to my server....

If all security settings were not correct 2 things would happen:

1 - Slimserver wouldn't be able to show stuff such as length of songs
when browsing - it does.

2 - It would state it couldn't find a flac.exe - it doesn't.

So having uninstalled Slimserver, reinstalled to different directories,
setup the service to run under different accounts etc... etc... what the
heck is wrong with it?

I can only imagine something is being left behind in between
reinstalls.  I've searched the registry for any mention of slim after
uninstalling, and deleted the keys/values.

I am absolutely baffled as to why my only course of action seems to be
to reinstall the Operating System on my server.

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