OK.  Now got AlienBBC working after some help from another thread.

I would like to recommend the squeezebox2 to a (non-technical) friend
who wants to listen to BBC World Service from abroad, but cannot, in
conscience do so if it doesn't handle the straightforward .asx files,
but requires the installation of something like AlienBBC, which seems
pretty fragile and is certainly tricky to install.

It would be completely straightforward to recommend if the squeezebox2
supported the windows media extension / playsforsure standards or, even
better, if he could play to it straight from Windows MCE 2005.

Is there a project to do this?  I know how to build MCE add-in.  Is
there some documentation on the Squeezebox that might explain in what
format the Squeezebox expects to receive streaming audio? It may be a
reasonably straightforward task, using DirectX filters.

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