On Sat, 2005-05-07 at 19:16 -0700, Old Guy wrote:
>  Most of my CDs are classical which are now hard to find even
> on Amazon (very old, out of print, foreign origin, etc.)

I had the same type of problem, my collection is
mostly jazz, old and out of print (with a smaller
amount of classical) Amazon is a great resource
for popular stuff. I often had to
search many sites to find the cover art. 
I had better luck with allmusic.com than
with amazon for much of my collection

>   So I decided to scan my CDs instead. 

The key is that you want all your artwork to 
be the same size. And there is no point in having 
a lot of resolution on the images, since
most of the time, you won't be looking at
it for detail. Thumbnails do a pretty good
job for me.

You probably want to get a graphic image editor
that can resize/resample your images down to
the same size for all your collection.

There is a server setting for thumbnail size,
but I have not noticed one for the main "now playing"
section of the skins. (The display size were
different for different skins, last time I looked
in detail.

>  Am I asking too much?

If all you are asking is "does it sound reasonable
to add user image control for skin XYZ" it is of course
reasonable. Add the request. Since most of the skins
are actually pretty simple, and the source is included
with all the distributions, you could even
submit a patch (which are _always_ appreciated)

I think the more general question about artwork sizing,
resizing, etc. is more complicated and less reasonable.
In HTML, the image size is a hint to the browser.
And some browsers (and some versions) to a pretty lame
job of resizing. Solving that and making it look
professional is non-trivial, and maybe even really hard.

Send me private email about which skin you are using
and I can see if I can point you to the right
place in the code.

I've thought about a related improvement, which is to 
allow more explicit control of which image to be
used for each sized hole in the HTML. The utility 
I wrote (see my .sig) can retrieve up to three different
sized images, and the 5.* series server did not make
analysis of which would be optimal to use. I tabled
the idea until the 6.* series settled down a bit.


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