I recently got an SB2 and found that I have 2 persistent playback
problems.  1: part way through a song, playback suddenly gets very
choppy (i.e 0.5 sec burst of song, 3 sec of silence, repeat for about
15 minutes).  2: (probably unrelated) after playing a lot of songs for
a long time, the Now Playing display shows a different song title than
is actually playing.

Known problems or ways to further debug this?

Problem 1: 
Mid-song, the player will suddenly get very choppy, playing bits of the
song for about 0.5 sec burst followed by several seconds of silence. 
Listening to the little bursts, it appears that it is very slowly
making its way through the song.  Eventually it will clear itself up &
return to normal.  (when the song ends?? I've never waited around to

Seems like a communication issue, but: SB2 reports that wireless
strength is about 70%.  Also, I'm sitting right next to it with my
laptop and am having no problems connecting to the server to
troubleshoot it.  From the laptop, I can use the web interface on the
server to control the SB just fine.  There is no other traffic on the

If I hit pause & play - the SB2 continues playing with skips.  If I hit
Stop & play, the SB2 starts playing and plays the song just fine.  

While in the choppy state, I checked the server (winxp) - it was idle -
very little cpu & plenty of free memory.  The slim.exe was seemed
normal.  As far as I know there was no library rescan in progress.

Seems to happen most when I play a lot of songs over a long time - e.g.
tell it to play all songs from the same artist and leave it playing for
a few days.

Problem 2:
After playing a lot of songs, the player's Now Playing display will
eventually not show the same song title as what's actually playing. 
The web interface shows the same thing that the display does - i.e the
wrong song title. 

Seems to happen most when I play large numbers of songs (e.g. all of
the songs in my entire collection, or all songs by a favorite artist),
and not with small numbers of songs (e.g. one album).  None of these
are from a playlist (due to other problems I don't use playlists at the
moment: http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1506)

The server's an 2GHz Athalon w/ 1G mem wired to a microsoft 802.11g
hub.  The music library is a mix of mp3's and wma's.  Server version:

Thanks all!

Rob McKaughan
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