Looking forward to that. But in fact, I recently reverted from 6.1 to
6.03 only because I could't get the biography plugin to work (I only
got the message no info could be found).

Did you try the latest release of the plugin? It's available from my site.

I meant it is not 'integrated' in the original package, as the
softsqueeze plugin for example.

Ok, know what you mean.

BTW - the song info (far right at the player), like Dean suggested,
sounds like a good place to put it!

This would/will mean closer integration with the main code (as Dean noted). I'll see what I can do.

I'm always pleasantly surprised to see even the more obscure artists
showing up from allmusic.com.

So do I! I recently discovered some information about a German rock singer (Herbert Grönemeyer) - allmusic gave him the "worldmusic" attribute... German must be quite exotic to some american :-)

But on the other hand I was quite positively surprised to find information even about some Swiss artists. And I'm not talking about the very big guys like Yello, but about Stephan Eicher, who's most popular in Switzerland, Germany and France.



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