I live in a small flat, so I have tucked the (Fedora linux) Slimserver
in the bedroom, so that it doesn't cause noise when listening to music
in the lounge over wi-fi. What I want is an easy way to turn the
Slimserver on an off from my Squeezebox. (wake-up on LAN, execute
script to turn off, etc.).

I don't want to leave my PC switched on all the time for a number of
reasons (packed full of additional hot disks that are screwed in to the
case: not sure the cooling really supports this!!, wouldn't want to give
hackers the chance to take over the box by leaving it on 24/7, makes too
much noise in the bedroom to sleep with it on).

On the other hand, I'm lazy so I don't want to have to walk in to the
bedroom to power the Slimserver on and off every time I want to listen
to music.

(I got the SB2 for convenience in the first place, right...)

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