Phillip Kerman Wrote: 
> When I sort by artist, I see both:
> Sisters of Mercy
> The Sisters of Mercy
> I thought that was supposed to be ignored as per "server settings >
> behavior
> >Articles to ignore when sorting artist names"
> Also, I get:
> abba
> as two separate artists.
> SlimServer Version: 6.0.2 - 3077
> Please advise.
> Thanks,
> Phillip

I think the key phrase there is "ignore when sorting".  The two strings
for the artist names differ, so SlimServer calls them different artists.
If you look at the track table in the database that SlimServer keeps
you'll see a separate column used only for sorting purposes - with all
punctuation removed (why?) and in all caps.

I've been pretty careful tagging files (as you're pretty much forced
to, given the unforgiving nature of SlimServer's cataloging), so I was
unaware of the case sensitivity issue.  I find it hard to believe that
it was implemented like this on purpose.  I can understand that if the
underlying dbms is case sensitive then it can require some additional
work to see these as the same artist.  This should be done, though.

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