Thanks Sean....I'll take that at face value, and remain confident that you guys know what you are doing, and how to satisfy the masses. Thanks for a great product, and awesome support. I look forward to the future.

Now, if someone could just ensure that Kawartha TV gets a few wired units, I'd be happy to throw some $$$ down for an SB2.

Danny Rego

So is this the issue then - that Play For Sure formats are not  supported
across different OS's?

Sort of - certain DRM features require a Windows PC communicating by UPNP.

Btw, I started a different thread to narrow the focus.  I'm not trying
to be harsh. I'm just really curious as to why Slim isn't supporting
these services?

As you know Squeezebox2's new design incorporates a very fast processor which allows us to implement any new audio decoding or encryption schemes we want. Feel free to take that as an indication that FLAC is just the first, and that others are under consideration and/or in development. Specifically what else we'll support and when we'll support it is yet to be announced.

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