a request that is already admitting a need to be optional presents a few issues:

1) not only does support have to implemented for feature on, and feature off,
but also feature going from on to off, and off to on cleanly, quickly, and
without harming any other feature (I'm sure you remember all the regression
rants). There is always someone who will insist they must change the settings
every so often and find it 'unacceptable' to have to restart the server because
of it.

2) another known complaint (admittedly not as often seen in these fora) is
that the huge volume of prefs currently available are already daunting to new
and potential users.

Given that there are perfectly workable solutions already out there that will
accomplish the same thing, you end up left with the obvious unending argument
over which is more conventient and which users convenience is more important
than another.

If someone needs assistence implementing such code, I'll of course help.  I
certainly can't say I'll take in on of my own volition (speaking just as a
contributor) since I already know it will come with a support headache. If the
feature does come along, that would be cool.  I'm not against new features,
just the attitude that it 'should be done' or 'it shouldn't be
that hard' (half the threads today seem to include those phrases, or something
similar). Now everyone can be aware of the obstacles, at least.

As a specific, removing the 'articles to ignore' pref would make me VERY happy.

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