Slim Devices Discussion <> skrev den 18 maj 2005 klockan 09:32 +0100:
> At 03:00 the server made a BSOD.
> Is it a bug or is it another thing that made my BSOD?

Of course it's a bug, but not in SlimServer ;-). A perl script would not  
create a BSOD. But it may put so much load on your machine that "weak"  
parts of your system cause a BSOD. (overheated CPU, memory etc.)

> Now at 9:00 in the morning. I have put it on rescan again

Did you wipe the existing database?

> but I now notice that this isn´t using all processorpower
> as it did yesterday..

If you haven't removed the existing database it might just continue from  
where it crashed and finish in a much shorter time. But still: it should  
not take hours. You were talking about 8000 songs?

When I rescan with cleaning database it is real slow a few hundred songs per hour. But if I do the normal rescan - it go fast as hell - 2 hours for my 50 000 songs.

Bästa hälsningar/Best Regards
Nalle Johansson
Nalle Johansson, IT-chef
GFS Studentservice * Göteborgs Förenade Studentkårer
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