dean Wrote: 
> Can you describe this "growth"?  Was it some kind of mold?  Ick.
It was difficult to tell what it was, even under magnification as it
appeared to be under some kind of coating (no-clean flux maybe?)which
went very soft when the IPA was applied. It looked a bit 'mouldy' but I
was more concerned that it might be some sort of conductive dendritic
growth. The rest of the board looked pretty clean but the joints on the
PCMCIA connector looked weird. I've looked at a lot of PCB's and I've
never seen anything quite like it. It might be a complete red herring
as I've still got problems after whatever it was was cleaned off (I
think, see the end of this post).
dean Wrote: 
> Is it possible that there's some kind of IR interference in the room  
> that's confusing the Squeezebox?
There are no IR sources other than remote controls which aren't being
used when the SB is resetting.
dean Wrote: 
> Have you tried restarting your wireless router?
Yes, it didn't help.
mherger Wrote: 
> One simple test you could do: use a wired connection to the SB. If it's
> ok, then, focus on wireless problems
I tried to do that but cannot get the ethernet connection to work from
my PC (I suspect I'm maybe using the wrong cable, x-over instead of
straight through or vice versa). I only have on ethernet cable which I
thought I got with the SB (yellow, 'patch cable' printed on it but XP
says a cable's unplugged and the SB cannot find the ethernet
connection.Anyway, the PC is in a different part of the house (further
away from the router with a poorer wireless signal (56% against 85% at
the normal location) but wireless seems to be working fine here (so
far). Nothing I can think of has changed in the normal location, so I'm
baffled. I'll leave the SB running for a while to see if it remains ok.

Thanks for the suggestions gentlemen. I'll post back when I know more.

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