Leading on from the problems I'm experiencing with my current Slimerver
6.02 setup not synching slimp3 units (see:
http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?p=39632#post39632) I'm
wondering if it is my old PC and if so what the cheapest solution is.

One would be to use an external USB HD enclosure, slot in the 120Gb HD
currently in my old PC (which contains all my FLACs) and attach it to
my document server PC. Obviously I will need to load slimserver on to
my document server PC but this would seem to be the most sensible

I can't simply slot my HD in to my document server PC as this has SATA
HD attachements and my music HD is an IDE.

Advantages would be loosing one PC plus if I go for a small enclosure I
could take this with me if going abroad for a while and plug it into a
laptop running slimserver and softsqueeze and have all my music with

Any downsides anyone can see?


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