I've had my Slimserver 2 for about 2 weeks now and I think its a
fantastic little unit, however it does seem to have one issue.

I have an Xbox hanging off the unit and I have the SlimServer set up to
work as a wireless bridge. It all works fine, I can use Live on the XBOX
without any problems. However, when I turn the Xbox off, and then put
the SlimServer into standby, it appears to turn the unit right off
rather than standby as the units display goes blank.

When I hit the standby button on the remote to turn it on again - it
sits on "Connecting" for about 1 second, then turns itself off
again.The screen goes blank, it doesn't display the clock or date.
Hitting the standby button again results in the same thing - it
displays "connecting" for a second, then turns off again. Repeat ad

The only way I can get it back is to unplug the power, and then it
boots fine.

I never have this problem any other time - only when I'm using
something hanging off the Wireless bridge. 

(And it's not my wireless router - I have a laptop sitting next to it
which remains connected throughout)

Any ideas?

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