What bugs me is that it works fine between all three types of SB on my
system for all but one type of source.  It seems to me that there must
be a clue in that somewhere. 

- thinking aloud then ............

My recorded music (syncs fine) is all FLAC, and gets converted to MP3
for my SBG and to WAV for my SB1 (v good signal), whilst the SB2s get
direct FLAC transmission.  Internet radio sources are all streamed in
MP3, which I think is true for Alien BBC (after conversion by

The source I have problems with is DAB radio, which I think streams to
slimserver in MP2 and this is passed onto all the flavours of SB as MP2
(48kHz) - someone please contradict me if I've got this wrong.  So is
the sync just not setup to handle Mp2 or maybe the 48kHz stream?

Can I set slimserver to convert MP2 to MP3 (setting in convert.conf?)
to test this theory?


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