This is a problem that I had incurred when sharing the music library on
my network with my Windows Media Center computer and its MY MUSIC
portion of the GUI/Player. 

Windows MCE uses Windows Media Player on the back-end for its library
(which acts somewhat differently than the plain ole Windows Medis
Player itself). The issue of multiple album listings of a single album
occurred when the ALBUM ARTIST field was empty.... OR was improperly
populated by the artist of that particular song instead of a generic

Windows media center populates its album listing FIRST by the ALBUM
ARTIST tag. Once this issue had wreaked havoc on my Media Center, the
solution was as simple as going back through my compilations (and
eventually the entire library) and making sure the ALBUM ARTIST field
was populated correctly. Anything that was a soundtrack, I populated as
'SOUNDTRACK' in the ALBUM ARTIST field... same for TRIBUTE albums,
COMPILATION, etc. This alleviated several issues with the way MCE
listed ALBUMS: It solved the issue of having albums of the same title
from a single artist mixed together with a single compilation album of
the same title. It also alleviated the 'GREATEST HITS' issue as well as
the issue of a 12-track compilation album being displayed as 12 separate
albums of the same title.

This extra field has saved my library in Windows Media Center and it
seems that it may be of use with Slim Server. As an added precaution,
in the case of a GREATEST HITS fiasco, I also named every "common"
album title with an added Identifier i.e., GREATEST HITS: ARTIST in the
ALBUM field.

My $.02
-- D

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