> I'm a bit unclear on this.  I'm not sure what is a bug and what is
> working correctly by design.

That's pretty much the common sentiment. :)  There are quite a few bugs
left in the whole library scanning behavior, but a lot of the issues are
limitations that seem to be there by design.

> Can someone confirm?  If I add new music to my library, how is the
> Slimserver software *supposed* to work?  Is it:
> a) It is supposed to "notice" the new files automatically and add
> them.
> or 
> b) It is supposed to only notice them after I run (or schedule) a
> re-scan
> or 
> c) It is supposed to only notice after I do a "wipe cache?"

It will notice the new files in one of the following ways:

- You "browse" to the folder containing the files.  SlimServer compares
what it sees in the folder with data in the database.  If it sees
something new, then it adds the new tracks to the database.  I believe
browsing both through the player UI and the web interface will both do

- If you do a manual or scheduled rescan.

A 'wipe cache' is just a rescan where all of the old library data is
first deleted.  This is a good idea if you change information in tags,
move files around, or if like many of us, you're running nightly betas.
Eventually a standard rescan is supposed to get smart enough that it
should remove data that's no longer valid (a file that's been deleted
or moved, an artist tag that has been changed, etc.), but the current
scanning can only be counted on to pick up new files.

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