Some more info about this:

I run SlimServer from a cmd-file (not service) on XP SP2
MusicMagic is done analysing, and SlimServer has scanned the files (the
mmm-icon is present). I've set the update-inverval to 0 in the
MusicMagic plugin setup page to disable further scanning.

The problems:
- the web-interface stops working, no response. I can start
softsqueeze, and the SB1 is still on so the server is running.
- streaming stops, or playback stops anyway (a wma stream)
- wmadec seems to be using a lot of memory, and it's increasing.
- cpu goes to 100%, but not allways. When it does it's slimserver thats
running at 100%, not MusicMagic

There's no errors in the log file (there is entrys but they are the
same with or without MusicMagic running)

Later today I will try to verify that the 18/5 version is working, I
hope to get it by email

If I can give any more info, please let me know.


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