JJZolx Wrote: 
> There's something odd about how the 'sort' version of artist and album
> names are stored (though I'm sure there must be a reason for it) - all
> punctuation is removed and replaced by spaces.

That seems reasonable enough to me.

JJZolx Wrote: 
> It wouldn't surprise me then if the [01], [02], etc. wasn't being parsed
> out of your album names correctly.  You might try just 01, 02.

But it can't be that [] are ignored since the albums end up at the end
of the list under '[' and not at the front under '0'. 
I'll try when I get home, though I don't want album titles with actual
numbers in them ('10 top songs' or something) messed with.

JJZolx Wrote: 
> The thing that strikes me about doing this, though, is that there's
> nothing special about the albums having been packaged in a collection. 
> If you want these albums sorted chronologically, then you'd likely want
> this behavior for all artists and all albums.

You're right and I guess I'll better review my directory naming
strategy. I could add the [year] in front of the name of the directory
(not the tag) for those albums that I have the info for, and leave the
others alone.

I just voted for the requests.

Roger the Shrubber
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