For one, this whole setup is NOT for the average joe (six-pack, to use
your examples).  But like I've said, everyone has their opinions.
I've not had a problem with "intuitiveness."

Striving to make something average-joe friendly should ALWAYS be the goal, but I understand what you're saying.

Just hand the remote to someone, and see how long it is before
you get the "how do I do this or that" questions!

I did that.  It's been almost 2 years and have had one question -
and it was related to making up a playlist of shoutcase urls.
not something any remote would be able to handle short of my

Well...what can I say to that...people have accidentally held down the skip track button to have it fast forward, and they would wonnder why the song sounds funny as it clicks, and pops forward through the song. I've had questions about how to get back to the main menu to browse again...etc. It's easy stuff to learn/remember, but questions, and honest mistakes that can be avoided with a few more buttons.

My 5 year old uses the remote with no issues.  She doesn't even ask
how to find Cheeseburger in Paradise or Fins anymore.

A kid with a fresh mind is one thing, but a technology-fearing wife is a whole other ball game.

I'm not saying a better, more featureful remote wouldn't be a nice
option.  I'm just saying if all your going to do is use it to program
another remote and put it away, it would seem there should be a
better way to accomplish the programming of the universal remote.

To setup a universal remote properly, more often than not, you need to move the default buttons around, by learning/relearning buttons from the original remote. If that's required...there's no way to LEARN the "FAST FORWARD" command from the current SB remote....and if you don't have an original JVC DVD remote, you can't learn it from that either (and use the jvc codes instead). It's kinda hard to explain, but there is method to my madness on this one.

Danny Rego

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