Hi there - shouldn't SlimServer rescan every time it detects a change in
the designated ‘music folder’? Seems a bit old hat having to tell it you
have ripped some new files!

In fact having just got to grips with EAC settings (approx. 2 weeks
study and trial and error and now I have to rip my first 20 CD's
again!) SlimServer (no probs - but a bit passive - see comment above)
Lossless Compression (now there's enough reading on the Internet for a
lifetimes study!) Tags (should I use iTunes, should I just browse
folders) oh dear, tags don't appear in browse folders unless you rescan
in SlimServer and then there’s FLAC compression options (OMG more techy
stuff!) - maybe I should get out more....;-)

But really - isn't this ripping lark a bit arcane for 2005!!! I mean
yes the sound from my Meridian system fed via Squeezebox 2 is well
worth the effort - but I have 20 years playing in IT - what on earth do
'normal' folk do...:-)

I know lots of folk out there absolutely love user supported and
developed software and I have to say I really appreciate the whole Slim
Devices ethos - but what I wouldn’t pay for good old simple to use and
set-up iTunes - but with built-in pre-configured EAC error correction
and drive awareness, automatic FLAC conversion and intelligent

Now the Squeezebox 2 that’s a different story - it just sits there and
works beautifully and I am sure it is totally oblivious to all the
propeller head stuff required just to get it’s files ready for delivery

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