Quoting Dave D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> kdf,
> Thanks for the extra info and tips on how to do this in a cleaner way.
> Also good to know that the Custom.map file simply overloads
> corresponding buttons in the Default.map file (so the Custom.map file
> can have only a few entries.)  I wonder if this would be good material
> for the wiki (in addition to the info already in "Technical
> Information")?

sounds like a great plan :)

> I don't see hold_release mapped anywhere.  What's a example of how this
> modifier could be used?

play.hold_release = somefunction

hold the button down long enough to get into hold mode, then let go to trigger
the function. As for a specific, practical example, I have none.  However,
there is nothing special required. Just pick a function that you want. It would
be useful, perhaps, when you often have two functions that you do in sequence. 
You could map one to .hold, then the second to .hold_release



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