I was intrigued by this thread because I have been using headphones but
had not noticed the problem, hence investigated. Hope this info may add
to the pool...

I have two wireless SB2s. One on a B network, one on a G network.  Both
exhibit the clicking/interference problem described by ephemere.  The
level is low enough that you wouldn't hear it while the music was
playing but I can imagine would be very annoying during the gaps /
times when you're selecting the next piece etc. Or if you listen to
very quiet stuff!

The reason I hadn't noticed it myself is that I don't normally use
unpowered headphones - I just plugged some in for this test. Usually I
use Sennheiser wireless phones (aside - they're great, BTW!! - and
being able to wander round the house and garden with iPAQ remote in my
pocket and headphones on is just great). For whatever reason (input
impedance???), they don't seem to collect this interference at all -
although they do pick up an amount of hum and other rubbish that has
nothing to do with the SB2.


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