I'm going to revert this post to its author's original desires, and
mine, of sending thanks and kudos to the Squeezebox2 team.

I too received mine earlier in the week, set it up, and have been
tickled since.  I was leaving town for a couple of days, and my wife
was returning that evening.  I'd set up a large playlist, started the
box on repeat all mode, and i received a phone call later in the
evening at how nice a surprise the Squeezebox was.  She loves her
little Squeezbox 2!  :-)

Setup was a breeze, even with WPA wireless, and it just worked.

Having used SoftSqueeze for long enough, the interface was a
no-brainer.  Even more surprising was how things that didn't make sense
to me in SoftSqueeze suddenly made sense with the Squeezebox2 (the Power
button for example).

I really like the tough rubber feel of the black unit - its a wonderful
change from cheap plastic or tin and it feels wonderful.  The display is
very nice too.

While I've encountered a couple of minor glitches here and there
(inputing a Space via the remote is not documented or obvious, alarm
clock frooze w/the b2 server, unit was unresponsive to remote after
alarm plugin fired alarm), these are very minor, to be expected in any
complex product, and by no means discount the quality and value of the
product.  I mention these here only for balance.

The device is so cool, I can now see having one as our alarm
clock/radio/tune player in the bedroom, one in the living room for
whole-house audio, and one in each spare bedroom for guest, etc..

Fantastic job SlimDevices Team!  Thanks!

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