A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=15095
Question: Whats your version?
- 6.x
- 5.4.x
- 5.3.x
- 5.2.x
- </= 5.1.x

dean Wrote: 
> Hm, I think it might be more interesting to distinguish 6.0.x and  
> 6.1b and the nightlies...

Just after I "posted" the poll I thought that - but discovered you
can't edit the format once published - I guess to stop the stats
becoming meaningless after a change during use...

Anyway - it ends up being slightly biased I suppose, as those that
frequent the forum/email lists, are likely to be those who like to
"tinker" with the setup (and hence have newer server versions).
It was worth a go though - hadn't seen a poll on the general discussion
board before!!


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