Showing all my about 5600 songs (e.g. using the link under browse
albums) takes about 4:40 minutes in Slimserver. On the Squeezebox it
also take several minutes when browsing for songs. There seems to be
some caching since the second time it takes between 10 and 30 seconds.
But this is still a very long time.
I use MediaMonkey to organize my music files and with MediaMonkey it
takes only about 2-3 seconds (!) to display all songs. Is there some
improvement possible in Slimserver? Since the songs are organized in a
database it should be much faster to show a list of all songs. Since my
hard disk is working very much when I click on the "all songs" link it
seems to me as if the song list is not created from the database but
that all songs are read from disk. Is that correct (and if yes, is that

I use the latest nightly build and have Windows XP Home, an Intel
Pentium 4 2.66 GHz and 1GB RAM.


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