Spies Wrote: 
> What I would love to see in the interim is for some clever person to
> create a plug in or a modification to the web interface that would
> allow turning on and off and setting the options for the flac
> --apply-replaygain-which-is-not-lossless. Something like how you can
> adjust the quality and bit rate of the lame encoder now. As it stands
> now one has to modify convert.conf which is kind of a pain. Any
> takers?

I'm working on a plugin right now to adjust Replaygain CL options to
use album/track gain depending on the context of the playlist:

It would be a simple addition to add options to use
none/album/track/smart(context) options in the web interface.

However, I'm a true beginner in the plugin making world so it might
take a bit longer than you would expect ;). I'll keep you updated.

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