atrocity wrote:
> peter;332369 Wrote: 
>> Nah, they should've made PC mini disk drives from day one. Being able to
>> play/read, write/record and copy on a PC would've been a huge thing
>> back 
>> then. Now, they were left behind by the CD which - eventually - did 
>> allow that. Too afraid of 'piracy', of course....
> But remember that at the time the MD was introduced, you needed an
> extremely expensive computer to properly do audio recording.  Heck, I
> bought a new PC after having MD for a couple years and even it had a
> tendency to drop a lot of samples when I tried to use it as a
> recorder.

If I remember correctly it was also the time that 1.44 MB floppies 
started to get really small. A successor was badly needed. Also you 
don't have to record on a PC to be able to play/copy stuff.

> Not that I really mean to defend Sony here...they eventually did come
> up with a PC MD drive, but of course they deliberately crippled it for
> music use which, combined with its absurdly slow speed, made it largely
> uninteresting to just about everyone.
> I still find it less nerve-wracking to capture analog sources via a
> standalone CD recorder, then copy the bits into the computer for
> prettying up.
I remember thinking the MD would be really cool to have if only I could 
use it to store and copy music on my PC. Of course, then MP3 arrived. In 
the early days I remember playing MP3's put quite a load on my PC. 
Moving a window caused the music to stutter. That soon got fixed though...


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