Technicallly it is a Service Helper App.

On 7/25/05, Philip Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>A new
>SlimTray.exe has replaced it which is a proper tray application and
>simply launches your web browser when activated.
I don't think of it as a "proper" tray application.  A proper application that sits in the tray should really be a full application that is available on demand.  The slimtray app isn't really an app - it's a means to launch the app; not much more than a url shortcut.

It's like "WinAmp Agent" - it only sits there providing a means to launch the real thing.

It would be nice if there was an option in the installer to install the SlimTray app.  Each time I upgrade the server, I have to remove it from the startup folder.


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