ModelCitizen;336728 Wrote: 
> Does anyone else have this? It's become common here.
> MC

OMG... it happened to us last week! Rarely do I ever have 2 players
going at the same time, let alone synchronized. But a while back I
installed the "Other Players" plugin and experimented with
synchronization just to see how well it worked. Well... that was it. I
unsync'd the players and hadn't used synchronization again after that.

But then last week we were getting ready to leave for the weekend.
Hubby took over washing the dishes so I could go pack. He had the
player on in the kitchen and me in the bedroom out of ear-shot. We
thought the players were going haywire because each of us were skipping
songs unbeknownst to the other. Then somehow we came to the realization
that they had gotten synchronized.


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