kdf;342248 Wrote: 
> On 20-Sep-08, at 1:38 AM, Nonreality wrote:
> >
> > kdf;342226 Wrote:
> >> Putting a one-sentence post "how do I reset the transporter" would 
> >> have
> >> answered your issue.
> >>
> >> "Is this really so much to ask?"
> >>
> >> As a Professor at UC Berkeley you should know better than to expect
> a
> >> good result from a childish rant that threatens to toss the device 
> >> into
> >> landfills.  I'd expect more from a CA resident, even more from a
> >> professor at a University.  So, instead of making your point, your
> >> credentials come across as a pretentious rant.
> >>
> >> Frankly, posting your "credentials' make your entire point look
> just
> >> that much more pathetic.  You set a bad example for California.   
> >> Aside
> >> from you and your governor, CA has a good environmental reputation,
> >> leaders in the all important green movement.  Try not to fuck it
> up.
> >> After all, as a professor, you set an example to so many young
> people
> >> who pay GOOD money to learn from you.  Try to set a better standard
> >> than trowing away anything you can't deal with.
> >>
> >> -kdf
> > So slamming on a customer is the way you look at it?  I know you say
> > that you are not an employee but you act like it much of the time as
> > you berate people.  I think your post should be deleted as you are,
> I
> > think, a forum moderator and not a good example of one.  You should
> > have to deal with customers sometime to see what it's really like
> > before you lecture one.  Remember he paid money for the product and 
> > has
> > a right to let the company know what he thinks.
> I am not an employee. I never will be.  Berating people for disposing 
> of material that should belong in a recycling programme instead of a  
> landfill is never something I will NOT apologise for.  If you have a  
> problem with that, you are an idiot.  In case this gets deleted,  
> please let me make this clear while I can....toss recyclable material 
> in a landfill and you are a moron, class A moron.
> I'm NOT a moderator, never will be, never asked to be, so fuck off.  
> I'm sick of shitheads like you going off on people like me.  Guess  
> what...I'm venting (which is defended irrationally in some cases).   
> So....feel free.  Campaign to have me banned.  I'm sick of assholes  
> like you making my contributions seem like a waste of time.  Ban me.  
> Go for it.  Asshole.
> In case you haven't got it yet.  I'm sick of whinging.  I'm sick of  
> being labelled as something I'm not, and never have been.  I'm sick of 
> SD/Logitech not supporting folks who get routinely abused by assholes 
> on this forum who just don't get it.  go Ahead...campaign.  You have  
> already taken the joy I've had writing code, as I can't bring myself  
> to spend the time I used to testing and fixing.
> No matter what....do NOT toss electronics in the bin.  Period.   
> Logitech should not support this, and nor do I.  If this is seen as  
> berating, then I am happy to have nothing more to do with SD, logitech 
> or SqueezeCenter. The user with the Demo...send it back to Logitech.  
> They should take reponsibility.
> -kdf
> ps.  thanks for standing out as such a moron that I feel a stance need 
> be taken.  If I make no other post...it's been worth it.
Calm down have a drink.  You know perfectly well I was not talking
about the landfill issue. Your whole post is about that and had nothing
to do with what I was saying.  You treated him badly.  Get rid of your
post, I'm not what you called me over and over.  Let's start over, you
just got pissed about a complaint and started firing off on him.  I'm
not here to see you gone, you do help people when you are not so
pissed.  I know customers piss you off, me too at times.  But you can't
attack them like that.  Maybe you hate me for pointing that out but it's
not mutual. He didn't deserve it.



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